The uncaring Spouse

The uncaring Spouse

"Did he even care a bit about me? Look at my state now... How could he do this to me?!?!", said Reema as she was crying inconsolably. Her sister tried to comfort her through a warm hug.

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Reema had married John just around a year ago. In a few months, their bad times seem to have begun, as John was diagnosed with cancer. John had a minor lump on his body, which he initially dismissed as a trivial one. As pain increased, he contacted doctors, who, following two dozen medical tests, diagnosed it to be cancer. 

John started counting his last days of life, as doctors informed them that his cancer was not just incurable, but was already in the last stage and would lead to his demise in a matter of few weeks.

John's pain worsened day by day. One day, pain was unbearable and John committed suicide by drinking poison. As his final rites were completed, Reema's sister was still trying to console her, as she continuously kept crying over how he had been an irresponsible and uncaring spouse to have committed suicide. 

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"Leave it dear. God's decisions are unalterable. It was John's fate that he had to die so young. Poor guy....Uff... he died as he was unable to bear the pain. His state is pitiable as well", her sister said with a mild sigh.

Frustrated Reema replied angrily, "What the ****... I am least bothered about him being dead. Life with him was just hopeless. I had to run with him to hospital more than I had went with him to park or picnic. I had planned to divorce him anyway. Just thought to wait for a few more weeks, so that I could get his life insurance amount, as it was a princely sum. An uncaring spouse that he was, he ended his life though suicide and spoiled all my dreams of a wealthy life".

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Her sister stood frozen, as she kept wondering who of the two was the uncaring spouse.

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* Princely sum - a large amount of money
