Baahubali-2 - Few Lessons for our lifetime

One of the most expected films in 2017 - A wait for two years almost for many of us to know "Why Kattappa killed Baahubali". No wonder that BAAHUBALI-2 has been a blockbuster and the hardwork that has been put up behind its making is worth a bow. It has taken Indian cinema, especially Telugu cinema to its next level of pride !! Whatta performance by Ramya and Anushka !!

Well...!! Now that most of us have enjoyed it (and may be watching multiple times in future), thought there are quite few significant takeaways from this movie. Few of them like the ill effects of jealousy and anger are evident and possibly well received and understood. Apart from these, I believe there are a few significant stuffs -- not much noted or appreciated  -- which are good for all of us to imbibe and remember as they would serve as great lessons for our lifetime.

1.POWER OF ASSERTIVENESS  - Slow & steady is often more successful than Fast & Furious

One of the prime reasons that Sivagami started taking hasty decisions was the aggression displayed by Devasena. Sivagami, being the sensible and strong woman she is, may have been more empathetic, had devasena communicated her side in a more assertive way without challenging the crown and touching the ego of the incumbent ruler(Sivagami). Her aggression did not win her much anyway ultimately, instead it had worser impact on her family, the nation of which she was Queen To Be and finally to herself.

Sena could have thrown up a strong appeal (with a sentimental touch) before Sivakami stating how an insult to her was also an insult to Sivakami family's pride and the law of the kingdom. This could have even reversed the entire story if Sivakami's wrath had turned against Bhallala and his men who attempted to insult Sena.

Assertiveness in place of aggression is a known strategy for achieving our goals and avoiding conflicts.  This is a good lesson to be learnt by us - "Be strong enough all the time , but never allow our strength to turn to aggression."


2. AWARENESS OF HISTORY - Varalaaru miga mukkiyam amaichare !!

History can be one of the best teachers in our life. We must be aware of our history- be it at  family level or outside. One of the reasons Devasena challenges Sivakami in public is because of her being unaware of all the virtues of the Rajamaata -- saving Baahubali as kid being his mother ,protecting the kingdom , saving throne from traitors and being unbiased even in the face of her own blood son etc. Incidentally, the consecutive events which she experiences lead her to assuming that the kingdom and the crown is an inhumane and uncourteous entity overall.

 This even happens often in our family that younger generation does not realise all the contribution of the elders to the family welfare and often misunderstand their guidance or thoughts as provocation or control. Not just that, such awareness can help us identify troublemakers and good people easily than to reinvent the same after paying hefty price in terms of the trouble we face due to our wrong inference of people.

Awareness of our own history is often overlooked but is actually very significant !!


3. SPEAK OUT - Silence is not always golden

When told by his mother to leave the throne , Baahubali accepts it almost silently, as he sees it only as a sacrifice from his side(righteously as he is not power thirsty). A better act at this juncture which would have been fruitful for him and his kingdom would have been to put up convincing arguments from his side against the strong arguments of Bijjala who accused Baahubali. Being the good orator he is , he could have effectively explained why it was wrongdoing to force Devasena into marrying Ballala and also quoting that it was against the Dharma which Sivagami taught them(with a tone of sentimental touch again) !!

A self probe into our past would often lead us to thinking that our lives would have been better if we had spoken up at the right time in the right way. There are even chances that we drifted away to a completely different life because we missed to speak up at the right time. 

Someone rightly said, "Silence of good people is more evil than the bad people"  - Silence may be good, but not all the time.


4. PROCESS COMPLIANCE - Don't break rules unless absolutely necessary 

A significant event that invites the wrath of Sivakami which justifies her expelling Baahubali from the kingdom is Baahubali killing the soldier who disturbed Sena in front of the King. This act of him, in the middle of the court renders the entire process of Sivakami's probe and Ballala's crown meaningless - as Baahubali is able to take his own decision in front of Sivakami and the king Ballala and execute it without their consent. A probe is the solution for any dispute and overriding it was an act of displaying his own authority as one above crown. While it can be argued that he was right in what he did, we would not agree if Ballala had killed someone in Baahu's side in same way, just because he thought they were wrong. A better act would have been to convince Sivagami and have the soldier punished with Sivagami's consent and with Ballala's order. (Once proven as disturbing a royal women, Ballala may have less options to support the soldier anyway)

Often in life, we tend to skip/override the established processes or guidelines either because we think they are unnecessary or we feel the thrill of breaking. More often, we assume it is "Ok to break the process" as long as "We are right". It is a frequent occurrence at workplace, that an Audit exposes  many non-compliance activities in an otherwise smooth project - which may lead to severe loss of reputation if the domain is a sensitive one like Banking. Such loss due to non-compliance is often much more than the betterment achieved through non-compliance. 


Unarguably, we sometimes have to break the rules when there is absolutely no other way to go around. But otherwise, it is always good to achieve our goals adhering to the rules/processes  - to avoid conflicts in future and also stay safe and secured. 

I feel that these points are worth remembering for  all of us !! Easier said than done , these simple things would definitely help us avoid many conflicts/failures at workplace as well as in personal life.

Au revoir!!



  1. Good one (with a sentimental touch)

  2. Good write-up !! Never knew you write.

    In any work of creativity its important to look at things in its own laws. That is if a creation says sun rises in the West and creates a world around it. Its enough if that logic is functional. It need not suite our logic.

    I think you understand this clearly.. what if-s and why not-s are not the creation.. it just the way the creation is and what we get from it. You do justice in this perspective ��

    Go ahead and write om things other than movies too..

    1. Thanks for reading ji.. the purpose is not to modify or advise modification to creation.. rather for us to learn from Others' mistakes and avoid them in our life when we face similar scenario

  3. Good one dude.. Well thought and well written.. Keep writing.. Cheers 😊


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